Does the algoritm take note of already watched content?
Is is possible that user does not get posts that they already have viewed?
Posted by Stra4r 7 months ago
Support webhook or messaging queue event.
Hi admin, I am so interesting with your service. But If you support webhook or event when have a new activity, I think helpful for my system to integration push notification, ...
Posted by Nguyen Phuc Nguyen over 2 years ago
How to get recommendations via javascript fetch?
For getting recommendations, the documentation says, that I should send a GET request to
with a JSON body. But Http does not allow a body for GET requests. When executing the example code, I get the following error:
Failed to execute 'fetch' on 'Window': Request with GET/HEAD method cannot have body.
What should I do? Could you just allow POST?
Posted by Felix Dietze almost 3 years ago
Dashboard Stats - Previous Month
Is there a way to view the previous month on the dashboard bar chart? For example on November 1 to see October metrics. Thanks!
Posted by Martin Fox about 4 years ago